The WebCAPE test is an adaptive placement test. The test has a low score of 0 and maximum score can vary between 850 and 950 per language assessment. The score does not represent a direct tie to a competency level or equivalent scales. Optimal use of the test comes with calibrating the scores to your placement levels.

We recommend calibrating your assessment scores by having multiple users in whose placement level you are confident take the assessment. You will then use those scores to more accurately set the placement levels within the platform. We do have default settings in place that can be a great starting point, but as you get more data from users with whom you are familiar, you will be able to adjust the levels accordingly. We have a calibration calculator tool that can help with this process. The tool is attached to this article. 


To make the customizations, click on the Settings tab at the top of the page. On the left-hand menu select “Custom”. After waiting a few seconds, the Test Settings options will appear. Here you’ll see a list of all the Reading and Grammar tests that you have available in your organization. To edit the levels for a given assessment, click on the name of the assessment. A drop-down will appear where you will be able to see your existing placement levels and labels and adjust accordingly. You can also add levels by clicking “Add Cut Point” or take away the cut points by clicking the “x” next to the level.

To view cut points data from other institutions for some initial guidance, please visit this article: